There are many food choices on UH Manoa's campus and knowing what each vendor serves and when can be confusing. Moar Chow will allow UH students and faculty to browse all the menus on campus, view vendor locations, rate vendors, save their favorite vendors, and search for food by cusine type.
Guided Tour
Landing Page
The landing page allows users to login to Moar Chow with their UH CAS Login.
After clicking the log in button users will have to accept Moar Chow's Terms and Conditions.
After accepting the Terms and Condtitions users can login with their UH CAS login information.
Home Page
The home page is the first page users see after logging into Moar Chow. The tab for this page is located in the top menu. Here users can see their saved chow spots and search for chow by cusine.
My Favorite Chow Spots - Listed here are all the vendors a user has saved. Users can see if the vendor is open (gree is open, red is closed), what rating they have given the vendor, and unfavorite the vendor.
Search For Chow - Users can search for new chow by cuisine type. Here we can see someone is searching for coffee and listed below are all the spots that serve coffee.
Vendors List Page
The vendors list page shows all the vendors on campus. The tab for this page is located in the top menu.
A green dot indicates the vendor is open. A red dot indicates the vendor is closed.
This map shows the location for all the vendors. The tab for this page is located in the top menu.
Vendor Page
Each vendor has their own page that shows the vendor's rating, description, location, hours of operation, and menu.
The Add to Favorites button located below the vendor's name will add this vendor to the user's 'My Favorite Chow Spots' list on their homepage.
Users can leave a rating for the vendor on the bottom left of the page.
Initial User Study
Five University of Hawaii students and one alumni were recruited to use MoarChow. Though not in person, the recruiter had a one on one chat to cover the website's features. After viewing the website each student gave feedback about their experience.
Positive Feedback
- Creative title
- Simple and clean layout allows for quick understanding of functionality
- Accurate information for food items, prices, and hours
Constructive Feedback
- Suggestion to remove the vendor descriptions on the map page to allow visibility of other vendors
- The ability to comment with the rating was requested by multiple users
- Search bar instead of a dropdown for searching for cusine
- Overall negative feedback for the aesthetic appeal of the website aside from the landing page
- Suggestion to have a picture of the story front for each vendor so people know what to look for when they reach to the location
From this feedback we discovered for future development we need to focus on the aesthetic appeal of the website by including more photos, especially of food. The overall opinion of the website's functionality was overwhelming positive except for a few items. The initial study allowed us to view the website from an outside perspective and learn how we can become more aware of how users will interact with our future websites and applications.
Developer Guide
- Install Meteor : https://www.meteor.com/
- Install NodeJs : https://nodejs.org/en/
- Clone the MoarChow repo with your favorite git client or the terminal/commandprompt : https://github.com/moarchow/moarchow.git
- Open terminal/command prompt and chage your directory to the ..\moarchow\app directory
- Invoke
meteor npm install
- Invoke
meteor --settings ../config/settings.development.json
- Test that MoarChow is running on localhost:3000
- If everything went smoothly you are now ready to develop for MoarChow using your favorite IDE
- https://github.com/moarchow/moarchow/projects/1
- https://github.com/moarchow/moarchow/projects/2
- https://github.com/moarchow/moarchow/projects/3